At Cagsawa Church

At Cagsawa Church
Taguan kami ni Mayon

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

And So He Loves Me Not... A Tale of A Friend-zoned..

As the saying goes, "It's Better To Have Loved and Lost Than Never To Have Loved At All". Well, so true and right, at least you got to experience this once in your life. The magical feeling of being in love as they say. Where you've taken the risk and opened up your heart to love someone.  But sadly, you just got rejected. This is what we call, "Unrequited Love". Well, based on Google, Unrequited Love can also be called One-sided love or Unreciprocated Love. This means that only one person is loving and the other person rejects the love. Or we can say dismissed? Or probably they declined the affection you feel. Or sometimes in this generation we used to call it "Friend-zoned" haha!

At first it was hard to understand, why of all people you suddenly got this kind of rejection. It was quite hard to move on even though you guys really did not reached that "in a relationship" status. Or probably it was hard to move on because of the fantasies you already made up in your mind that eventually you can romantically end up together (I hate daydreaming!!) but then btoh of you ended up nowhere. (as in nganga! haha)

"And so he loves me not"
Well, let me tell you a short story, (uhm, A Tale of a Friend-zoned".. haha!) Let me introduce you to Joni, our main character in the story. Joni was a very sweet, kind, and loving person. She works in a law firm as a junior legal counsel. One day, there's this new guy hired in their office (lets's call him Mr. G), Mr. G is a smart, tall, and slightly "mayabang" guy, someone with beautiful eyes that has its own language (well, figuratively speaking! haha). When Joni first laid eyes on Mr. G, she knew there was something unusual with what she sees. At first, she was just content having eye to eye connection when she passes by Mr. G's work station, until one day they were paired together for a certain case. With this situation, Joni took the opportunity to get to know Mr. G far from what she just sees in the office. There were days when they spent time together until late a night to study the case. And there were also times when they set aside work issues and just to talk about life and love alone.
Little by little they were opening up personal issues about themselves and Joni thought it could be a good start with Mr. G as they get along the way. Days passed by even after they won the case, they continued exchanging messages and they somehow meet each other outside the office to watch movies together or with some friends. Until one day, they decided to join an immersion in one of the charities that their law firm is helping out. So they were brought to a secluded place in Zambales and get to experience living with the Aetas. In this place, they were involved to charity works like medical missions, teaching kids the basics, and livelihood projects for the Aetas. In this seven-day immersion with the Aetas, Joni discovered how simple, good and loving Mr. G's heart is. Though he's slightly "mayabang" at work, he has this soft heart when it comes to people who needs his help. Joni cannot contain herself but to fall each day with the goodness he is seeing in Mr. G. Until one day, after they came back to their real world, Joni have decided to admit the feelings she kept inside her (for months) for Mr. G. from just looking at him afar to falling in love with him. But tears suddenly fell from her eyes when she got his reply and just told herself, "and so he loves me not." The end. 

Well, in life not everything can be a happy ending. Sometimes fairy tales does not always depicts reality. There are times we have to accept the fact that not every thing we planned for ourselves will be ours by the end of the day. As for Joni, she just have to move forward with her life and accept the fact that Mr. G is not "the One" for her as she imagined. The unrequited love she have for him will  always be there or will eventually fade away. And as for Joni and Mr. G, I hope one day they can still be good friends like  they were before or they can still manage to have the perfect ending they are looking for.#
Some things are really better left unsaid. 

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